June 14, 2018
Every once in awhile it’s brought to our attention that we are blessed with comfort here in the U.S. Most of the time, we don’t think about it. Most of us, most of the time, want more. More for us, more for our homes, more for our kids, more for the future. We are so incredibly fortunate.
But what if there was no food in the house for your child to eat breakfast this morning? And when the time came today and tomorrow, for lunch and dinner, there was still nothing? There always seem to be someone here to help; family, friends, a local church food pantry. We are so incredibly fortunate.
Help us to rescue the kids that don’t have any of these things. No home. They live on the streets. No food. And there is no one to help them. No church pantry, no family, and their friends also have nothing. They are the orphaned street children of Uganda.
Your donation doesn’t just feed them for one meal and send them away. I leave in just weeks to begin building the mission house, the first phase of the Way to Grace Children’s Village and Academy. Nothing about this is cheap. I will be gone 6 months and we need to raise $50,000.
I am a missionary to the lost and abandoned, the orphaned and unwanted children of the streets of Uganda. What if it was your child? Your niece, nephew or grandchild that hadn’t eaten for two days. Now imagine that child is showing symptoms of malaria? What if you had no money? What would you do if there was no one….
Partner with us in prayer, and pledge your financial support with a single gift or become a monthly supporter, individually or with a business benevolence fund.
I can assure you, these children are just like any other child you know. The only difference is, they don’t know that anyone cares for them.
Not yet. But they will.
Help us transform desperation into promise
Kathy Thomas, Founder
Posted: September 15, 2018 by Kathy Thomas Leave a Comment
Did they really say that??
Posted: August 14, 2018 by Kathy Thomas Leave a Comment
When I’m here it always happens!
August 15, 2018
When I’m here it always happens!
Pictures to come – 3rd World with unstable network
It’s been an incredible few days. After 36 hours without sleep, I was able to get some. Then another 35 hours of travel I was able to take a nap on a foam mattress on the floor; before heading into Mbale town to do some immediate-need shopping. It definitely is a journey getting here — but it’s worth every minute. When I’m here it always happens. Every once in awhile during a worship time, when it’s just me and the Lord, I become so overwhelmed! No, it’s not because of how hard it is, how much work is involved, the countless sleepless nights, the struggle for donations, the massive scale of what’s ahead of me. It’s none of that. I become overwhelmed that God prepares us for what He will call us to do. My whole life He has molded me for this and when I look at all the ways He has, it’s a humbling revelation. And I am incredibly grateful that God would, dare I say, choose me to do this. And yet for those of you who know me, you are well aware that my life has been lived outside what’s considered “normal”. And the Lord has been shining the light in those odd places, sparking those interests in me so that I would be “thoroughly equipped for every good work” 2 Timothy 3:17. But I am no different than anyone else. I said no to God calling me to the mission field at one time in my life years ago; I have shared this with only a very few people. I feel privileged that He would ask me again. And far above it, that He would ask me to go to a place that I had held a deep desire to go for decades but felt it was ‘exceeding abundantly above all that I could ask or think’, Ephesians 3:20.
I have been to the village twice since I’ve been here in Nkonkonjeru. Later today I go to renegotiate the land deal in Kachuru village. Our prayer is to secure the three acres to build and establish the mission house. Please join us in prayer and financial support. It is not the way of these East African people to be brought to a table to negotiate a treaty without money in hand for the transaction. And you never know when one’s needs supersedes market value, or if greed will. A fair price is $6000 for the land, the survey, documents, and legal representation. We need you desperately as we are very fortunate to have another willing to sell some of their family’s wealth of inheritance to us. We delayed too long before and the land was sold because the money was not raised. But now we can take this rare opportunity and God will redeem the rest!
I want to thank everyone again for their continued support of prayer and to those who have sacrificed for the orphaned street children of Uganda. These are long term solutions we are implementing. Will you continue your support or consider becoming a faith partner with a monthly gift? Your donation is secure through PayPal at www.waytograce.org or www.paypal.me/waytograce, and if you know Bill you can give to him directly. Of course, you may also mail a check. If you would like more information, you can find details on the website, here on FB @waytograce.
“In Him we live, move and have our being”,
Kathy Thomas, Founder
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Last Updated: July 2, 2018 by Kathy Thomas Leave a Comment
The Worst Thing Happened
July 1, 2018
What is the worse thing that could happen to you? Losing your home and having to live on the streets; the death of your entire family, remaining in this life without that deep connection; not being able to work, to support yourself, and being without food or any means for basic necessities? This is the bleakest picture for most. Now, imagine not just one of these calamities, but all of them, in their fullness, if they fell on you. All at once. Imagine you are but a 9 year old child! No help, no support, no love, no direction or instruction. And every place you went you found only violence and hatred toward you. Utterly alone. It is rock-hard reality for the thousands of orphans living on the streets of Uganda. We are determined to change it. You can help make it happen.
I leave to return to Uganda in just a few short weeks; I will be there 6 months. With your help we can complete Enoch House, the planned mission house, during this time. It is phase one of long-term solutions for these kids. Enoch will serve several purposes and be a multi-functioning hub, ministering to the area’s street child population, a community outreach programs center, counseling and training opportunities, and establish trust and relationship within the village. It will also accommodate mission teams and visitors where they will be able to immerse in the culture and ministry.
God speaks to people, moves people and inspires them to help others. But none of it will be possible without you. People who can envision long-term solutions for the worst thing that has happened to these young kids. The budget is $50,000, quite small in relation to all that we will be able to accomplish there. The scope and vision of the project is expansive with the children’s group homes (Way to Grace Village) coming in phase two, and the school and hospital following. Please partner with us and give from a generous heart. These children are like any other you know. The difference is, the worst thing you can imagine actually did happen. And it continues every day.
We’re transforming desperation into promise! Together we can make sure these kids don’t have to risk sickness, disease, infection, injury and death in the garbage dumpsters. You can help make it happen. Your donation is tax deductible and secure with PayPal by clicking the Donate button.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support,
Kathy Thomas
Last Updated: July 1, 2018 by Kathy Thomas Leave a Comment
Incredibly Fortunate
June 14, 2018
Every once in awhile it’s brought to our attention that we are blessed with comfort here in the U.S. Most of the time, we don’t think about it. Most of us, most of the time, want more. More for us, more for our homes, more for our kids, more for the future. We are so incredibly fortunate.
But what if there was no food in the house for your child to eat breakfast this morning? And when the time came today and tomorrow, for lunch and dinner, there was still nothing? There always seem to be someone here to help; family, friends, a local church food pantry. We are so incredibly fortunate.
Help us to rescue the kids that don’t have any of these things. No home. They live on the streets. No food. And there is no one to help them. No church pantry, no family, and their friends also have nothing. They are the orphaned street children of Uganda.
Your donation doesn’t just feed them for one meal and send them away. I leave in just weeks to begin building the mission house, the first phase of the Way to Grace Children’s Village and Academy. Nothing about this is cheap. I will be gone 6 months and we need to raise $50,000.
I am a missionary to the lost and abandoned, the orphaned and unwanted children of the streets of Uganda. What if it was your child? Your niece, nephew or grandchild that hadn’t eaten for two days. Now imagine that child is showing symptoms of malaria? What if you had no money? What would you do if there was no one….
Partner with us in prayer, and pledge your financial support with a single gift or become a monthly supporter, individually or with a business benevolence fund.
I can assure you, these children are just like any other child you know. The only difference is, they don’t know that anyone cares for them.
Not yet. But they will.
Help us transform desperation into promise
Kathy Thomas, Founder
U.S. Headquarters
P.O. Box 236
De Leon Springs, FL 32130
Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–9:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–6:00PM
Secure Giving
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123 Main Street
New York, NY 10001
Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM