PO Box 236, De Leon Springs, Florida 32130 info@waytograce.org

Our Mission

Homeless children line up for food

A World Health Organization funded study estimates the
street child population of Uganda to be near 36,000 while UNICEF’s numbers reach a staggering 1,000,000 children. Systemic poverty, adult HIV/AIDS related deaths and domestic violence add to the numbers daily.

We will rescue as many as your financial contributions will enable.  Way to Grace is a Christ centered, non-profit organization determined to liberate these children into a life every child has the right to. We will be acquiring sufficient land for group housing because every child should have a home where they know they are loved and protected. Quality education with advanced opportunities will transform their perspective and lift them up, their communities, nationwide industry, business, and their homeland. We are committed to recapturing the innocence of these children and raising them to be honorable, loving and responsible adults, well equipped for a successful life.

There is hope. And we will bring it to them. But we can do nothing without your help.  Please consider partnering with us today. Donations are secure and tax deductible.
Your contribution transforms desperation into promise.